
Start from the “Praça Nova” (also known as “Praça Amilcar Cabral”). It is located right in the town centre, in the middle of the “Avenida 5 de Julho” (TACV office is on this avenue). If you are lost, ask around, everybody knows that square.

Once at the square, locate the Telecom office on the South end and the Bank offices on the East end. Head East into the "Travessa do Codamostro" street and pass the Telecom office (to your right).

Cross the “Avenida Baltazar Lopez da Silva” junction and keep on walking uphill. The street ends up after about 200 yards in front of the restaurant "Bodeguita de Mindelo".

There, take the oblique steep ramp that starts at the left of the restaurant.

At the top of the ramp make a right and after 20 yards take the left curve that goes uphill (a big yellow house is at the left corner and white plots line the street on the right).

The Solar Windelo is the third house to your left.

If you are heavily loaded with luggage pieces, don't walk up there! Get a taxi instead.

Estimated duration: from the "Praça", 10 minutes walking or 2 minutes by taxi, 180 escudos (1,60 euros).


Directions to provide to taxi drivers

Residencial Solar Windelo
Ex Casa de Vasco Martins
Alto Santo Antonio
Seguir Alto Miramar